St James' CE Primary School

Creating a school family founded upon Christian values

  • love
  • hope
  • peace
  • joy
  • forgiveness
  • compassion
  • honesty
  • patience
  • perseverance
  • koinonia



 At St James' We use the Curriculum Maestro Framework as a starting point from which to personalise the planning and resourcing of our wider curriculum. We believe that children deserve a broad and balanced curriculum that enables them to develop a deep understanding of each subject and the inter-connections between them. We deliver many of the subjects in our wider curriculum (Geography, History, Science, DT and some English) through themed Learning Journeys.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curricula (links can be found below). 


Our whole school curriculum is based upon 4 key areas (our drivers):

Highest levels of achievement

Highest levels of well-being

Highly effective preparation for the future

Highly effective family & community engagement


Click here to see St James Curriculum 

To request further information about our curriculum, please contact the school, detailing the specific information you require. You can contact us either in writing or via email:

St James' CE VA Primary School, Main Road, Biddenham MK40 4BD


Follow this link for the Primary National Curriculum

Follow this link for the EYFS Curriculum

Click here to find the Development Matters in the EYFS document

Statutory Framework for the EYFS