As a Maintained School, we are inspected by Ofsted at regular intervals. Our most recent inspection in February 2017 confirmed that St James' continues to be a Good School.
Our most recent Ofsted Report can be found here (February 2017)
Letter from Ms Soulsby and Tom Perry following Ofsted
Ofsted Report - February 2017
‘substantial improvement in pupils’ progress. Standards are well above average in reading, above average in writing and average in mathematics….unequivocal evidence that all pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils, are making good progress from their starting points….robust systems to check that pupils are making enough progress’
‘The key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are taught well throughout the school…You have done a sterling job in raising the profile of mathematics as a subject…Importantly, pupils are enjoying the subject and they are confident to ‘have a go’.’
Early Years:
‘The early years leader has undoubtedly made significant improvements in the quality of provision to raise attainment.’
Parents have noticed how the school has improved, particularly in the past two years. Many of the 67 respondents to Parent View wrote glowing comments about the school such as:
- A fantastic school led by a wonderful and effective headteacher.
- ‘St James’ epitomises everything that an enriching village school should offer.’
- ‘The headteacher is enthusiastic, approachable and has clearly been making great improvements to this school.’
- This school is extremely well led and my child is happy here.
‘Staff all strongly agreed, for example, that pupils’ behaviour is at least good, pupils are safe, and that the school has a culture that encourages calm and orderly conduct and is aspirational for all pupils… teachers are receiving high-quality coaching to develop their skills as leaders of subjects’
‘A strong ethos surrounding children’s safety and well-being exists within the school community, and parents agree’
‘The school is in safe hands moving forward.’
SIAMS - July 2017
Our most recent SIAMS took place in July 2017 (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools). The final report can be read below, but some highlights include:
The distinctiveness and effectiveness of St James’ Lower as a Church of England school are good
Excellent levels of care result in a very strong family orientated community, rooted in the Christian values of love, respect and the firm belief that every individual child is cherished as a gift from God.
The well-being of all members of the community is given great importance and is directly attributable to the Christian character of the school.
Inspirational leadership provided by the headteacher has galvanised the whole school community to strive to make this school the best church school possible, serving the community with love and perseverance.
The school’s Christian character ensures a fully inclusive approach so that the needs of all children are met well.
The school meets its mission statement of ‘academic excellence for all in a Christian
Click here to go to our full Ofsted report site.
In February, 2018, we were awarded the Achievement for All Quality Mark, in recognition of the great work we do in ensuring ALL our children achieve well at school. We are really very proud of this achievement, especially as it reflects the great work we do in supporting our most vulnerable learners.