St James' CE Primary School

Creating a school family founded upon Christian values

  • love
  • hope
  • peace
  • joy
  • forgiveness
  • compassion
  • honesty
  • patience
  • perseverance
  • koinonia



We aim to have a positive partnership with our parents and carers, recognising their vital role as their child's first teacher. We offer a number of opportunities for parents to come into school and share in their child's learning:

  • Home Learning Projects
  • Open Mornings
  • Parent-Teacher consultation meetings
  • Informal class assemblies for parents
  • Book Blinks - come in and see our books
  • Annual Parent Survey

We operate an 'Open Door' policy - this means we try to be available for parents who may have a concern or query. If you need to speak to someone, please don't hesitate to get in touch!